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Grateful for Networking

Through the years, I’ve done networking in person and online but recently I’ve had an increased appreciation of networking.

I’m currently exploring new opportunities for work and I’ve been touched by people not only putting in a good word or asking how I’m doing but in suggesting companies or opportunities. Some of those haven’t been a fit as I’m interested in remote work or opportunities within the Kansas City area. However, I still appreciate the leads.

So far, I’ve received inquiries about my interest in positions with companies in California, Chicago, Virginia, Houston, and New York. For the position in Virginia, I’ve passed it along to a colleague on the East Coast. For others, I’ve inquired about whether they’d consider remote work since that’s becoming the norm in 2020.

I’ve had people inquire about positions on my behalf and had others volunteer to be a reference or make an introduction.

Bottom line … people are willing to look out for one another and it’s appreciated. I saw a former co-worker had been looking for months and then a former VP (from where we worked together but none of us are at now) reached out and offered her a job. It just goes to show that you shouldn’t burn any bridges.

So, thank you to my past, present and future co-workers, bosses, employees, clients and suppliers. And let me know how I can help you in your search for connections.

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